Pump Action Slingshot Rifle Project Mini-Update


2013-04-27 19.09.26Just so we're clear, I have not forgotten this project in the mayhem of classes and exams. I've been thinking about it in the shower and before bed, and I worked out some of the mechanisms I want to implement. I'm not going to reveal what exactly my modifications to Jörg Sprave's designs are, but if they work, I think the end-product will be epic.Also, I got lazy and roughly prototyped some of the mechanism in paper, just to gauge fit and function using the original M10 blueprints as a template. I find this a lot faster and easier than trying to model working mechanisms in a CAD program, since a lot of my part relations aren't linear.I'll be selecting an ammunition to "chamber" my rifle in after some McMaster/Home Depot shopping, so stay tuned...


Iron Man is being searched for on YouTube... a lot. #RandomObservation


Zalman LQ-310 Installation and Early Impressions