DIY Over-the-Shoulder Camera Rig + Camera Bag


I've always thought third-person perspectives were cool, so I decided I'd build one of these to document my last-summer-before-employment shenanigans. It's inspired by a similar rig by Indy Mogul host Griffin Hammond and it costs about $6 to build.But there's another twist, in order to make this rig work, I needed a rigid-walled backpack, so I crafted a DIY camera bag insert using some of the worst sewing skills seen on this side of NJ in centuries. I used some closed-cell foam harvested from an older, beat-up camera bag, as well as some plastic sheets to give it structure. Wrap it all up in some navy blue fabric, and you have a cozy hole to dump your camera gear.YouTube Thumbnail


Camera Slider 3.0 Update - There Are Aluminum Shavings Everywhere T.T


In the Pipeline - 6/24: Project Updates