Camera Slider 3.0 Update - There Are Aluminum Shavings Everywhere T.T


IMG_3581It's time to move onto my next project (even though I'm still waiting for Instructables to fix an embedding bug, and Indy Mogul to review my submission to 'Moguler Made'). This time I'm doing linear motion right by building a track with extreme torsional rigidity. It's also a shorter track, just one yard long. The effective usable length will be a little less than that, but it should be a good starting point.Tomorrow or Monday I will hopefully be mounting skateboard bearings to a dolly, as well as setting up a stepper motor for direct drive. I figure I'll never need resolution finer than 1/8".


Smarter Smartphone Use When Traveling Abroad: SIM Lock


DIY Over-the-Shoulder Camera Rig + Camera Bag