Predation | A BF3 Montage by TrollingEmu


To help alleviate my Monday boredom while I wait for AE 510 to convene, I thought I'd share my latest Battlefield 3 montage. There are a couple changes from my earlier editing style, most notably an increased use of jump cuts and retiming to match rhythm. Also present is an increased use of longer segments, instead of luck-shots, to demonstrate that I do indeed have virtual combat proficiency. For those of you who follow people in the BF-scene, it's like I'm evolving slowly from Sgt_Enigma into Threatty. Not that I could ever match the streaks of Enigma to begin with... Lastly, I tossed in some vehicle/Premium footage since I recently unlocked TV-Guided Missiles and bought the DLC's (on sale, of course).predation


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