iPads vs. Aircraft Avionics: An Intro to EMI - Cynical Science Epi. 3


I decided to contribute preposterous numbers and science to the debate about the FAA's P.E.D. ban. Using an Apples to Apples comparison, I took a look at the effect of mobile devices on the crucial instrumentation in the cockpit. Enjoy your salad.Also, I made a PVC rig to allow my camera to hang vertically, with the image sensor perpendicular to the page. That way I could max out my aperture, eliminating flicker, while keeping everything in focus. It's also out of my way so I can sketch more freely. Unfortunately, it's a little shaky, so I had to use image stabilization to compensate. We'll see if I can improve my setup any more.2013-03-26 23.13.49To be continued...YouTube Video Thumbnails


My Comcast Strugglefest: Kumar screwed everything up.


This is just a test... but I might as well rant about cars.