New BF3 Montage: Aerial Sniper Trolling, + YouTube Updates

A quick montage feat. Fall Out Boy's new single, showing off my favorite way to take out campers and other useless snipers. It's my best trolling yet, IMHO.Ever since I started using voice comms in-game, it's like a new dimension was added to Battlefield and it's breathed in some new life into the game for me, but it's also posed a challenge in terms of audio. Since I only have one stereo track when I record the game + comms, editing can be a nightmare if the levels aren't balanced at the time of recording. I had to layer on some clean audio because mpkotari was too loud in chat for some clips.I'm thinking about releasing a tutorial of sorts detailing my workflow in FCPX, since there are very few good guides about how to edit a gaming-oriented montage that don't use Adobe (there's one that revolved around iMovie LOL), and I'm at a place where I'm comfortable with the quality of work I'm putting out: advanced amateur.photoCynical science: It's not forgotten, I promise. I've scripted episode 2 and gotten the voice recording done. It's been storyboarded, and everything. I just need to get around to drawing/editing it. I can optimistically have it done by this weekend...I was going to keep doing this thing where I give Cynical Science and The Trolling Emu a few days headstart with my video content, in the hopes of establishing a consistent subscriber base, but I decided that at the end of the day, my primary channel is for what I enjoy. And if people don't share my passions, then oh well, no tears shed here. They have the option to sub to a watered-down version of my brain fluff, but I won't promote one channel over another. Subscribe to whatever you want.Glhf.


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