Remains of the Weekend: LED Bulb Addendum, Unofficial New Years Resolution, and YouTube Update


There are a bunch of little things I wanted to mention, but none merit a full post. First of all, one more LED bulb impression: It runs cooler (thermally) than an incandescent. This might not be surprising, but there used to be recommendations that you not use certain bulbs in downward facing lights, because of insufficient ventilation, melting, etc. I am happy to report that this bulb works fine in semi-enclosed environments. It'll still get warm, but the lamp is still cool enough to touch after prolonged operation.Screen Shot 2013-01-21 at 5.22.22 PMSecond, I made a New Years Resolution to try and get more quality content on my site and maintain positive growth. There were a couple weeks where I didn't think I'd be able to maintain the trend, but weekends saved me (WP considers Monday to be the start of a week). This week I'm off to a good start thanks to an Instructables post I made about bottle-cutting, but that just means subsequent weeks are going to be harder to follow up. I'm going to have to stay creative somehow... and balance course work.And thirdly, new and upcoming on the YouTube front: I'm going to experiment with breaking off my video game content to a separate channel, "TheTrollingEmu." The rationale is similar to that with Cynical Science, to have themed channels that don't barrage subscribers with all sorts of random brain fluff. I'll be dual-posting my montages to krayvis and thetrollingemu for the foreseeable future, but perhaps one day I'll be able to run those channels independently.Cynical Science, I haven't forgotten you. It's just that script-writing has been harder than I thought. Trying to accommodate all of my rambling tangents while keeping the end-product around 3 minutes long has been proving difficult. But hopefully this weekend I'll be putting out part 1 of a sci-fi themed episode arc. Assuming Finite Elements homework doesn't take longer than anticipated.Have a squirrel picture. Happy Monday.DSC_0910


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