Arduino + L298n Stepper Motor Controller v1.0 Revisit... Before I Dismantle It


Here's the TLDR: My old post on my L298N-based motor controller sucked. And I didn't want to do a proper write-up, technical report style. So I made a video explaining it.Ulterior motive: I hate public speaking with a fiery passion, but if even my little brother can do reasonable commentaries on his YouTube videos and I can't... then there's no hope for me. Plus, I had to test out a small microphone I got intended for video recording instead of in-camera audio. Verdict? Tragically low gain, and even if it was usable for audio more than 3 feet away, needs a pop filter.


New BF3 Montage, Remixing a Soundtrack, and CPU Envy


pol·i·ti·cian (noun) \ˌpä-lə-ˈti-shən\: A member of society who rejects reality and substitutes his or her own.