Motion Control Head Takes Shape


With the fortune of having finished a homework assignment a little early, I finally got around to breaking ground on my long dreamed of pan-tilt head for some motion-controlled camera work. What you see here will form the tilt stage of the head. I had the wood cut to size awhile ago, but didn't have time to assemble anything until now. I'm using wood screws to hold everything together, since they're dirt cheap and do a good enough job. Unfortunately it means I can only disassemble/reassemble the rig a finite number of times before I eat through the wood but hopefully this will be done right the first time. The next major milestone will be the mounting of the stepper motor and setting up the gear reduction.I still need to get my motor controller out of Wave Drive mode and throw in an 'enable' line to my Arduino so I can power down the controller array. But that, and the programming will be left for another day. I don't think I'll have this ready in time for the Geminids.For reference, this is what the finished product will (very optimistically) look like:


Motion Control Update: Stage 1 Assembled


Think Fast | A Battlefield 3 Montage