Excerpt from my letter to Clearview Cinemas...

Excerpt from my letter to Clearview Cinemas...

Having seen The Dark Knight Rises with friends in IMAX, I am quite familiar with the level of detail in the shipping version of the movie. ...[Today's showing made me cringe]...Two big points:1) The characteristic flicker and fuzziness of what I assume was non-digital projection. That was tolerable. A little dim at times, but not nearly as bad as 3D does to a movie. Still. It made it that much harder to fully appreciate the devil in the dark details. Like Catwoman's outfit for example.bigger issue,2) The audio track was horrendous. It sounded like you guys were over-modulating your speakers. When the movie first started, I didn't know anything was amiss. The deep bass of the soundtrack was rendered just fine. But when loud dialogue started creeping in, I began to dread that it would carry on throughout the entire movie. Voices (ex. of the CIA agent on the plane in the intro) were coming out crackly and distorted. Bane (who I found to be perfectly intelligible in IMAX) started losing me a couple of times in this showing. And I've heard the dialogue before!I can appreciate that you guys are trying to run a more personal-feeling theater than big brother AMC, but to be perfectly honest, I'm disinclined to risk another experience like this when I choose to see the next blockbuster. The quality control in the theater, at least my particular showing, was poor to say the least. Yes, the film was viewable. But that's was about it. It didn't feel special, I wasn't carried away by the story like I was the first time. I was too bothered by the little things to get swept away. I hope that for the sake of your patrons and your business that this was an isolated incident. But Clearview, at least this particular venue, is a place I will not be willing to gamble my money on in the future in the hopes of an excellent viewing experience.

FYI, I went to Clearview Succasunna Cinema 10. And it made me a sad panda. I'd much rather remark about small follow focus gaffes in filming than the all-encompassing audio failures of the theater. This was not at all a "pure" and faithful representation of the movie.#firstworldproblems #rage #rant


Motion Control Begins, Dark Night Perseids Rises


Minor Update: Wrecked by life, but still engineering away...