Online, Site Version 5.0

Dear world. I have cast aside TCNJ webhosting for a more awesome source of internet, Steve Turner. The good man has given my new domain a place to roost while I worry about other things in life, like internships and video games... and grad school looming... can't forget that.My "new" site is based on the WordPress theme 'Daisy,' which I picked for its no nonsense layout, and surprisingly well thought out coding. It's got some nice customization abilities built in, so props to the coders. Some of the changes from my old site include:

  • An updated About Me page.
  • A working contact form, with CAPTCHA.
  • A list of recent photography posts in the sidebar, complete with thumbnail.
  • Not-hacked-together-crudely drop down navigation for posts!
  • In general, a simplified header.

There will also be minor graphical updates as well coming in the future. Until then, Dosvedanya.P.S. The University of Michigan doesn't let you run PHP on personal websites. They're practically in the Stone Age.


First Video Project: Trial By Fireworks... Without Fireworks


Nonconformist Dandelion