TCNJ - IARC 2011 Vehicle Build & Testing Montage w/ Competition Pics

For those of you sho haven't seen it on Facebook, the title says it all. This blimp was TCNJ's entry into the Drexel sponsored Indoor Aerial Robotics Competition 2011, held at Temple University. TCNJ's team was the only one who went with a blimp-style UAV out of simplicity and the fact that the team consisted of one person. Neither of the two teams who opted to build their own quadrotors succeeded in creating a fully functional platform.My own thoughts: If you're going to make a competition this challenging, you should release the guidelines and rules at least 3 months ahead of time to give teams adequate planning and build time. 2 teams bought off-the-shelf Parrot AR Drones and had moderate success there. But then it becomes a "simple" programming exercise instead of engineering...


Book Safe, The Making of.


IARC 2011 Debriefing