OGL Horseback Riding

So today I had my first real experience on horseback and, all in all, it wasn't that bad. We had a party of 10 people, 7 of us were n00bs. I was assigned a slightly capricious horse, maybe that's why they wanted to put someone with at least some experience on it. Oh well, it worked out okay.

We got there after an annoying drive. This obnoxiously slow truck driver was doing roughly half the legal speed limit.
There's the offender.

We got there exactly on time though and quickly acquired our less than valiant steeds. I was assigned Freddy (see below).We started out on a trail into the woods. It was a bit bumpier than I expected, but quite neat. It's weird thinking that I was mostly being led by something with a mind of its own. The shaded trails were nice, though a tad muddy from earlier rain. Freddy was quite picky about where he walked and wove quite a bit to avoid puddles. Towards the end, my horse did seem quite determined to snag a few bites to eat. He was rather adamant about that, much to my chagrin and deviated off course several times. Other than that it was a rather serene experience.
Oh, and Freddy did almost walk into a tree...

We had breakfast/lunch afterwards at a diner which was infinitely more satisfying than Eickhoff.

Note to self: Sitting in the middle seat in the back of a car is bad only if your seat-mates are of questionable sanity.

Other notable things:
•Dan, lacking foresight, wore shorts.
•Trench was forced to dismount to adjust his saddle.
•The horseback riding was FREE (theoretically, assuming SFB reimburses Patricia...).

Not a bad day, I is happy :)


Apologies for the Appearance


I Came, I Saw, I Conquered